EANS Bylaws

The EANS Bylaws

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EANS Bylaws

Date of Publication: 29 May 2024

Approved by the EANS Board on 18 May 2024


Article 1: Composition, Role and Remit of EANS Sections and Committees


1.1 Sub-specialist Sections
The General Meeting of the EANS shall have the authority to create/close sub-specialist Sections.  These currently include, but need not be limited to, the following: 
• Section of Cerebrospinal Fluid Disorders
• Section of Functional Neurosurgery
• Section of Neuro-oncology
• Section of Neurotrauma and Critical Care
• Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery
• Section of Peripheral Nerve Surgery
• Section of Radiosurgery
• Section of Skull Base Surgery
• Section of Spinal Neurosurgery
• Section of Vascular Neurosurgery

The Chair of each Section will be elected as outlined in Article 2: “Procedure for Election of Officers, other Board Members and Committee and Section Chairs.”

The initial term of office for Section Chairs will be two years, with Section Chairs eligible to be elected for one further term.  Within one month after election, the Section Chair will have the right to select his/her own Section Panel which will have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 people. The panel should incorporate a balanced representation of EANS member countries. All members of the Section Panel should be EANS Individual members in good standing. Panel membership is limited to 2 panels (with the exclusion of the Examination Committee, the Individual Members Committee, the Training Committee and the JTAAC). In each panel there can be a maximum of 3 members from the same member country. Panel membership has a maximum limit of 8 years. In case of being the chair of section the total length of service in a panel should not exceed 10 years. In case of discontinued service, the total panel service should not exceed 10 years as well. The final composition of the Section Panel has to be approved by the EANS Board.

The duties of the Chair of each of these Sections shall be defined formally in the job description circulated prior to elections for office.  Minimum requirements for each position may, at the discretion of the Board, be included within such job descriptions.

The suggested remit of the Sections is as follows:

  • Provision of learning objectives for the relevant EANS Training Courses
  • Contributing to the scientific programmes for the EANS Training Courses and Annual Congresses
  • Organisation of specialist events for post-graduate neurosurgeons, e.g. advanced courses or subspecialist meetings or webinars. It is anticipated that each section will arrange a minimum of one such event every two years.
  • Regular liaison with section members to ensure that they derive substantive value from their section membership
  • Contributing to the official EANS Journal

  • Ensuring that clinical trials within the subspecialty are contributed to the Clinical Trials Register.
  • Arranging a regular journal club for Section members + 2 webinars
  • Arranging a monthly news feed for Section members, and provision of items of subspecialist interest for the News-section of the EANS website
  • Selection of two topics/authors each year for pro/con debates in the monthly EANS newsletter
  • Introduction of a mentorship programme, whereby experienced specialists provide guidance and advice to those wishing to subspecialise
  • Liaison with other bodies focused on the relevant subspecialty 
  • Liaison with the Board Member for CME and Guidelines

Section Chairs shall be required to submit (i) a plan of action for their two year term in office. This shall be submitted to the EANS President by the end of the year of election to office; and, (ii) six-monthly reports to the EANS Board, detailing the objectives and progress of their Sections.

In the event that the EANS Board determines by majority decision that it is not satisfied with the activities and progress made by the Section Chair, it shall have the right a) to demand the Chair’s immediate resignation and b) to appoint an acting chair in his/her place until such time as a new Chair can be elected by the AGM. 


1.2 Committees with elected Chairs and other elected Board Member positions

The General Meeting of the EANS shall have the authority to create/terminate various Committees and other Board Member positions. These currently include, but need not be limited to the following:

  • Diversity in Neurosurgery Committee
  • Ethico-Legal Committee 
  • Frontiers in Neurosurgery Committee
  • Individual Membership Committee
  • Global and Humanitarian Neurosurgery Committee
  • Research Committee
  • Training Committee
  • Young Neurosurgeons Committee
  • Audit and Governance Board Member
  • Scientific Liaison Board member
  • Research Fund Director

The Chair of each Committee will be elected as outlined in Article 2: “Procedure for Election of Officers, other Board Members and Committee and Section Chairs”. The terms of office for Committee Chairs and other voted Board Member positions will be two years. The initial term of office will be two years, with Committee Chairs eligible to be elected for one further term, except for the Chairs of the Young Neurosurgeons Committee and the Training Committee, who can only serve one term.

The duties of the Chair of each of these Committees shall be defined formally in the job description circulated prior to elections for office.  Minimum requirements for each position may, at the discretion of the Board, be included within such job descriptions.

The Chair of each Committee shall have the privilege of selecting his/her own Committee Members, who should be chosen where possible to represent the different parts of Europe.

Committee Chairs shall be required to submit (i) a plan of action for their two year term in office. This shall be submitted to the EANS President by the end of the year of election to office; and, (ii) six monthly reports to the EANS Board, detailing the objectives and progress of their Committees.

The Audit and Governance Board Member shall be responsible for preparing changes or amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws  when and if required by the EANS Board or the Annual General Meeting.

The Scientific Liaison Board Member shall be responsible (together with other EANS Board members, Section Chairs and local organizers) for creating the scientific program of the EANS Annual Congress, and for authorizing endorsement by the EANS of scientific events.

In the event that the EANS Board determines by majority decision that it is not satisfied with the activities and progress made by the Committee Chair, it shall have the right a) to demand the Chair’s immediate resignation and b) to appoint an acting chair in his/her place until such time as a new Chair can be democratically elected.


1.3 Ad-hoc Committees, Task Forces, and non-voting EANS Board Members

The EANS Board shall have the right to create/terminate various Board Member positions, Committees and Task Forces whose chairs shall be appointed rather than elected. The purpose, composition and duties of these positions, Committees and Task Forces shall be defined formally prior to their formation. These may include, but need not be limited to, the following:

  • Historian, who shall be a non-voting Board Member
  • Editor-in-Chief of the official EANS Journal, who shall be a non-voting Board Member
  • Examination Committee, whose Chair shall be a non-voting Board Member
  • EANS Foundation President, who shall be a non-voting Board Member
  • President of UEMS Section of Neurosurgery, who shall be a non-voting Board Member
  • Hands-on Courses Director, who shall be a non-voting Board Member. This Director shall work closely together with the Chair of the Training Committee.
  • Task Forces for a limited period of 3 years’ time
    o Academy Task Force
    o Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Neurosurgery Task Force
    o Geriatric Neurosurgery Task Force
    o Guidelines Development Task Force


The EANS Board will have the right to evaluate the activities of all Task Forces on an annual basis. At the end of the three years’ period, the Board shall decide whether a Task Force can be terminated (having achieved its aims and reached a natural conclusion to its task), or converted to a Section or a Committee (if further long-term work is required and anticipated).


1.4 Nominating Committee

  • This shall be composed by four Board Members, specifically the President, the President-Elect, the Past President, and the Board member responsible for Audit and Governance.
  • The Nominating committee shall ensure that all nominees for Board Member positions, as well as Section, Committee and Task Force chairs, meet the eligibility criteria as per the Constitution and the Bylaws, before they proceed to voting at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • The Nominating Committee can select official nominees and propose candidates to the AGM for voting.


1.5 Executive Committee (ExCom)

This shall be comprised of the President, the President-elect, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Executive Director. It shall convene at regular intervals, to be determined by its members. Its purpose is to maintain an oversight of all operations and a momentum and efficiency of structure and function. It will feedback to the Board and liaise with Sections, Committees and Task Forces in order to achieve the aims of the EANS in timely manner. 

1.6 Joint Training Advisory and Accreditation Committee (JTAAC)
The EANS is a member of the Joint Training Advisory and Accreditation Committee (JTAAC) together with the UEMS Section of Neurosurgery. The EANS Board shall appoint a maximum of 4 representatives to the JTAAC for a period of 4 years. At least one of these shall be a member of the Board of Officers of the EANS. The election of the chair of JTAAC is set out in the Committee’s “Terms of working practice”. The EANS may fund a share of the costs of JTAAC as agreed by the EANS Board.

1.7 European Board of Neurological Surgery

The EANS is a member of the European Board of Neurological Surgery together with the UEMS Section of Neurosurgery. The EANS Board of Officers shall appoint 4 representatives to the Board of Neurological Surgery for a period of 4 years. One re-election is possible, for 4 additional years, for a maximum of 8 years in total. One of the representatives appointed by the EANS Board shall be the Chair-elect of the Training Committee. To ensure continuity, no more than 4 members of the committee should be replaced at any one time. The Chairman and the Secretary of the European Board of Neurological Surgery will be proposed and agreed by the respective Presidents of the EANS and of the UEMS Section of Neurosurgery. The respective Presidents of the EANS and of the UEMS Section of Neurosurgery will consult with the European Board of Neurological Surgery when making their proposal. In the event of the position of Chairman becoming vacant, the Secretary will run the business until the next meeting of the Board of Neurological Surgery. Both positions are elected for 4 years, with re-election for one further term permitted. The budget of the Board of Neurological Surgery must at all times be kept balanced.

1.8 EANS Council
There shall be an EANS Council, designed to facilitate communication amongst those holding key positions of responsibility. This shall meet once a year, during the Annual Congress, and shall be a non-legislative body.

It shall consist of the following members:

  • All members of the EANS Board of Officers
  • All Section Chairs
  • All Committee Chairs, including the chairs of the EBNS and JTAAC
  • All Task Force Chairs
  • EANS delegate(s) to the EBC

Article 2: Procedure for Election of Officers, other Board Members and Committee and Section Chairs

All elections will take place during the AGM of the EANS. This meeting is typically held during the European Congress of Neurosurgery, which takes place annually during the autumn.  Notice of elections and of those positions which will become vacant at the next AGM will be given to both National Societies and Individual Members before the end of the calendar year immediately preceding the relevant elections.

Both National Societies and Individual Members will be invited to propose candidates for vacant positions.  Candidates must be Full Individual Members of the EANS for at least two years and in good standing in order to be eligible for election.

It is acceptable for Individual Members to propose themselves.  All candidates proposed by Individual Members must have at least six supporters from within the Individual Membership.

National Societies and Individual Members will be advised by the EANS Office of their right to nominate on multiple occasions, including but not necessarily limited to:
  • Prior to the end of the calendar year immediately preceding the relevant elections 
  • At least 6 months prior to the date of the AGM 
  • At least 4 months prior to the date of the AGM 
  • One week before the deadline for nominations, which will be three months prior to the date of the AGM  
Candidacies should be submitted to the EANS Office, which will make job descriptions for the various posts publicly available and report to the Nominating Committee. The EANS Office will be responsible for checking that all candidates are members in good standing, have the necessary support and are eligible according to the EANS Constitution. Candidates for Officer positions (President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer) must previously have served as a member of an EANS Section or an EANS Committee in any capacity (member or chairman).

Following the deadline for submission of candidacies for Officer positions, the Nominating Committee will:
  • Receive a list of proposed candidates from the EANS office
  • Make a final decision as to the validity of candidates whose eligibility may be in question.
  • Evaluate candidates using transparent criteria provided to them by the Board, which shall be made publicly available
  • Approach any further candidates that they might deem to be suitable
  • Provide a short list of suitable candidates
Following the deadline for submission of candidacies for all other positions, the Nominating Committee will:
  • Receive a list of potential candidates from the EANS office
  • Make a final decision as to the validity of candidates whose eligibility may be in question.
  • Provide a short list of eligible candidates
Shortlisted candidates will be asked by the EANS Office to submit a one A4 page English CV and a personal statement, outlining the reasons why they believe themselves to be suitable for the position, and their plans for their term of office, if successful. These documents will be collated by the EANS Board and circulated amongst the National Societies and voting delegates to the AGM (ie the national society delegates; the Individual Membership representatives; and voting Board members) at least 3 months prior to the date of elections.
Shortlisted candidates will be requested to attend the AGM, in order to present their candidacy.  Attendance will not be a condition of candidacy, but those who are unable to attend should offer their apologies to the EANS Office and a statement as to why they cannot be present.
Elections will be decided by a majority of votes at the AGM, with no requirement for a quorum. The list of voting delegates (ie the national society delegates; the delegates of the Individual Members; and the voting members of the EANS Board) shall be finalised 2 weeks before the date of the AGM. After that date no changes are accepted.
The only exception to the process described above is with respect to the election of the Chair of the Individual Membership Committee, who will be elected by majority electronic vote of all Individual Members in good standing.
Potential candidates for IM Committee Chair will follow the same nomination procedure as other candidates, including the requirement to provide a CV and personal statement.  The election will then take place electronically during the four weeks immediately preceding the AGM, with the electronic poll closing 48 hours in advance, in order to give the EANS Office sufficient time to collate the results, which will be announced during the AGM.
Article 3: Procedure for Election of Individual Membership Representatives (delegates of the Joined members)  
Potential Individual membership representatives must be EANS Individual Members in good standing and with at least a 2-year uninterrupted membership. They need not be Full Individual Members; Junior and International members are eligible for these positions. Candidates for these positions will be required to provide a one A4 page English CV and personal statement.  They will be elected by an electronic vote, which will take place during the same period as the poll for Chair of the IM committee. The EANS Office and IM Committee Chair will count the aggregate number of votes for each candidate and those candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected to fill the required number of representative places.If there is a tie of votes, the member with longer membership shall be elected. To encourage diverse and inclusive representation of IM delegates, there shall be a maximum number of IMs per country within the IM Committee. The maximum number of delegates from one country shall be 8 (eight). The country of the member is the country where that member practices irrespective of their nationality. A maximum of 10% may be International members (non-European). 
Individual Membership representatives shall be elected for a two-year term of office.  Should further IM representatives be required mid-way during the term of office as a result of growth in the overall IM numbers, these will be elected in a similar manner, within a timescale which provides sufficient notice for newly elected representatives to be able to attend the next AGM.
Article 4: Procedure for Selection of Event Venues
4.1 European Congress of Neurosurgery
The location for the Annual European Congress of Neurosurgery will be selected by majority vote of the AGM at least three years prior to the event.  Notice of the forthcoming selection process, including a request for Notice of Intention to Bid, will be given to National Society members


  • Prior to the end of the calendar year immediately preceding the relevant election
  • At least 9 months prior to the date of the relevant AGM
  • One week before the deadline for submission of Notices of Intention to Bid, which will be six months prior to the date of the relevant AGM.
The EANS Office and/or its nominated representative (usually the partner PCO) will be responsible for the distribution of minimum venue specifications and a Bid document template to those National Societies that have expressed their intention to bid.  At the discretion of the Office, these documents may be supplied to potential bidders immediately upon receipt of their Notice of Intention to Bid.
Completed bid documents should be submitted to the EANS Office or its nominated representative no less than three months prior to the date of the relevant AGM.
The EANS Office and/or its nominated representative should prepare a site selection report based upon the various bid submissions.  This report should be made available to the EANS Board no less than six weeks prior to the date of the relevant AGM and a shortlist of bids should be prepared by the EANS Office and/or its nominated representative in consultation with the EANS Board
The bid documents of shortlisted candidates, along with the site selection report, should be circulated to EANS National Society members and voting delegates no less than four weeks prior to the date of the relevant AGM.
Bidders will be required to attend the AGM in order to present their bids in person.  Each bidder will be given a pre-determined timeslot of no less than 10 minutes to present their case, with a minimum of a further 5 minutes for questions from the floor.
Following the bid presentations, the successful venue will be selected by majority vote of the AGM.
4.2 European Training Courses in Neurosurgery
The EANS Office, in conjunction with the EANS Training Committee, shall maintain an up-to-date manual detailing the minimum logistical requirements for potential TC venues.
Any Training Committee (TC) delegate wishing to put forward a potential venue shall request a copy of this manual from the EANS Office and Training Committee Chair. The relevant TC delegate and/or the EANS Office shall request a preliminary quotation from the potential venue(s), for the provision of accommodation and services in line with the minimum requirements set out in the manual.  The EANS Board may also put forward its own proposals as to appropriate venues.
Providing these preliminary quotations fall within the agreed financial and logistical scope, an appropriately qualified member of the EANS Office team will arrange to visit all qualifying potential venue(s) prior to the next Training Course and accompanying TC meetings.  
Following the agreed site visits, those venues that meet the stated minimum requirements will be eligible for selection.  National delegates and/or EANS 
Office members wishing to propose specific venues will be required to present their bids at the next relevant meeting of the Training Committee, which will determine future venues by majority vote. 
4.3 Procedure for EANS Endorsed Meetings
EANS endorse scientific meetings to help to improve the scientific level of its members and knowledge of neurosurgery worldwide. The rules for endorsement can be found in the guideline.
Article 5: Procedure for payments and reimbursements
5.1 Authorization of payments to third party suppliers
The Executive Director is authorized to request any payments of up to €10,000 and payments in excess of €10,000 providing these are associated with regular EANS events such as the European Training Courses in Neurosurgery.
One-off payments in excess of €10,000 must be authorized by both the Executive Director and the Treasurer. 
The Executive Director may, with the agreement of the Board, from time to time delegate his/her authority to request payments to a nominated member of the EANS Office for a specified period.
5.2 Procedure for reimbursement of staff expenses
All staff members (other than the Executive Director) will pass their expense reimbursement claims to the Executive Director at a mutually agreed timescale.  Staff members will be required to submit expense receipts for all items claimed, other than in specific instances where per diem reimbursement has been agreed in advance.  Having checked that s/he is satisfied with the expense claim, the Executive Director will submit this for payment.
The Executive Director will pass his/her expense reimbursement claims to the Treasurer at a mutually agreed timescale.  S/he will have the option of claiming a €40/day subsistence allowance or of claiming for specific expenses incurred.  In the latter instance, s/he will be required to submit expense receipts for all items claimed.  Having checked that s/he is satisfied with the expense claim, the Treasurer will submit this for payment.
Advances on expenses of up to €1,500 can be issued to staff members by the Executive Director.  Advances on expenses of up to €5,000 can be issued to the Executive Director by the Treasurer.  All such advances will be agreed on a case-by-case basis. 
5.3 Procedure for reimbursement of expenses of EANS Board Members
All Members of the EANS Board are entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses to attend the Board meetings. The maximum reimbursement for one journey (round trip) is €500. The requests should be submitted to the Executive Director who will check the claim and submit it for payment.
The President of the EANS is entitled to a dedicated sum of money (€20000/year) to fulfill his/her presidential obligations. The expenses are at the discretion of the President, and will be checked by the Treasurer and the Executive Director.
Article 6: Appointment of EANS Office Staff
The procedure for appointment of the Executive Director is outlined in the EANS Constitution.  The Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the EANS Board, Council and Annual General Meeting.
Additional professional members of the EANS Office may be employed at the discretion of the Executive Director and the Board within agreed financial limits.  These individuals may be engaged as full or part time employees of the Association, or self as employed consultants as circumstances and the best interests of the Association dictate.  Their terms and conditions of service shall be stated clearly in a contract issued prior to the commencement of their employment. 
Article 7: Official Journal
The association shall have one official journal known as “Brain and Spine” of which the Editor-in-Chief shall be a non-voting member of the EANS Board. The EANS Board shall have the power to co-opt the Editor-in-Chief onto any of the Association’s Committees. 
Article 8. Honours and Awards
8.1 Honorary Membership
An Honorary Membership shall be awarded to all Past Presidents of the EANS.
8.2 Medal of Honour
The Medal of Honour is the highest honour that the EANS can bestow upon any of its members. It is a rare distinction that shall be awarded to neurosurgeons for exceptional services to the EANS. The EANS President will nominate possible candidates and the Board will select the recipient by a majority vote. The Medal of Honour will be presented to the recipient by the EANS President during the opening ceremony of the Annual Congress.
8.3 Award for Exceptional Service to European Neurosurgery
 This award pays tribute to the remarkable contributions of an individual to his/her profession within or allied to the field of neurosurgery in Europe. The EANS President will nominate possible candidates and the Board will approve by a majority vote. The Award will be presented to the recipient by the EANS President during the opening ceremony of the Annual Congress.
8.4 European Lecturer 
The EANS Board will annually nominate a European neurosurgeon, who has made an important contribution to clinical neurosurgery, to deliver the European Lecture at the Annual Congress.
8.5 Lifetime Achievement Award 
This award recognises a neurosurgeon for his or her accomplishments of a lifetime and the contributions to advancing the field of neurosurgery. It is the privilege of the Congress President to nominate a candidate for this award and the Board will approve by majority vote. 
8.6 Humanitarian Award.


8.7 Research Fund Awards.
There are several awards annually, the number of which is to be determined by the Board and the Research Fund Director.
These awards will be available to neurosurgeons in all member countries of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. Their purpose is to encourage European cooperation and collaboration. Both laboratory and clinical research projects will be eligible for funding. There is a maximum of one submission per applicant, to be submitted by a principal named applicant, plus a maximum of five co-applicants. Each award of €10,000 should be spent within 12 months of receipt. The award will be paid to the employer of the applicant. A contract will be drawn up between the EANS and the host institution. The principal named applicant must also be an individual member of the EANS. 
8.8  Aesculap Research Prize
There are two prizes for published work, one for the best clinical study and one for the best basic research study. The jury for this prize consists of the Chairman of the Research Committee, the Chairman of the Research Fund and the President of the EANS Foundation.
8.9 The Braakman Prize
This prize is awarded to the candidate that achieved the highest score during the European Exams.
8.10 The Jean Brihaye Prize
The Jean Brihaye Prize will be funded from a bequest to the EANS made by the late Professor Jean Brihaye. It will be awarded once every two years to fund research by and/or training for a young neurosurgeon. Applicants for the prize should submit an article, published within one year of the submission deadline. The value of the prize shall be €7,500 (to be reviewed regularly by the EANS Board).