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The Joint Training Advisory and Accreditation Committee (JTAAC) is a joint committee of the EANS and the UEMS, whose primary aim is to improve the quality of neurosurgical training programmes throughout Europe by acting as a pan-European accreditation
and monitoring body.
The work of JTAAC is based on the guidelines set out in the European Neurosurgical Training Charter.
European Accreditation of neurosurgical training programmes and units
Visiting and evaluating training institutions and the provision of constructive feedback offers an important opportunity to enhance training standards, and most of JTAAC’s activities therefore focus on these areas.
The accreditation procedure is based on the UEMS Training Charter in Neurosurgery, and those considering application should refer to this document in order better to understand the criteria against which their unit and training programme will
be assessed.
If a training institution demonstrates that it complies with the standards for residency programmes in neurosurgery as set down in the UEMS Training Charter, it will receive JTAAC accreditation -certification by the UEMS and EANS as a Center
of Excellence in Neurosurgical Training.
European Monitoring of neurosurgical training programmes and units
National professional bodies (responsible for the recognition of medical specialists in individual countries) can monitor and recognise neurosurgical training programmes using UEMS standards based on the Training Charter. In the interest of
developing common standards, cooperation with JTAAC is recommended.
The JTAAC Committee consists of 11 members: 5 from the UEMS and 5 from the EANS plus Past-Chairman of JTAAC.
The current Chairman of JTAAC is Eberhard Uhl